Use this page as a starting point for learning how to add your own styles to blocks. Go ahead and open the Developer Tools and inspect a block to get started. You can refer to our CSS Classes here.
Text block Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus a pretium leo. Praesent eu sem nulla. In nunc arcu, rutrum eu malesuada sed, lacinia nec ipsum. Maecenas quis tincidunt sem. Quisque vitae nisl vel purus laoreet efficitur quis ut arcu. Nulla sit amet risus hendrerit, tristique augue eu, dapibus risus. Curabitur ullamcorper ligula lacus, sit amet pharetra neque interdum in.
Normal Text
Bold Text
Italic Text
Underlined Text
Strikethrough Text
Code Text
Column block 1
Column block 2
Column block 3